The first baby teeth are lost between ages 4 and 6, with girls losing teeth quite a bit earlier than boys. Bottom front teeth are lost first, then the rest of the front teeth. Back teeth are lost in a later period, usually from age 9 to 12.
Many parents worry about certain baby teeth “not falling out” or remaining in the mouth next to new permanent teeth. This can give the appearance of “double teeth”. Usually these teeth are not a problem. An exam by your dentist can help set your mind at ease.
New Permanent molars appear at around age 6. They come in behind where the baby teeth have always been. Children are not used to having teeth in this location and tend to miss them during brushing. It is especially important for parents to clean these new molars since they get cavities easily.
By age 7 or 8, we can often predict whether tooth crowding will make an orthodontic consultation desirable. Your dentist will be able to give you an orthodontic referral if needed.